Our Team

UW–Madison’s Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring is comprised of professional staff members with extensive and wide-ranging expertise. Our staff work diligently to serve instructors at all career stages by coordinating campus-level professional development, course design, and instructional consulting programs and services. To read an individual’s bio, click on their name.

Leadership Team

Emily Baker

Position title: Associate Director for Instructional Design

Email: emily.baker@wisc.edu

Sam Becker

Position title: Associate Director for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Email: samantha.becker@wisc.edu

Christopher Blaire Bundy

Position title: Associate Director for Instructor Engagement

Email: blaire.bundy@wisc.edu

Greg Konop

Position title: Associate Director for Media Design and WisCEL

Email: greg.konop@wisc.edu

Todd Lundberg

Position title: Associate Director for Campus Partner Engagement

Email: tclundberg@wisc.edu

Brian McNurlen

Position title: Associate Director for Evaluation and Project Management

Email: brian.mcnurlen@wisc.edu

Megan Schmid

Position title: CTLM Director and Associate Vice Provost

Email: megan.schmid@wisc.edu

Sheila Stoeckel

Position title: Associate Director for Strategic Operations

Email: sheila.stoeckel@wisc.edu

Center Staff

Michelle V. Bright

Position title: Senior Executive Assistant

Email: michelle.bright@wisc.edu

James T. Burling

Position title: Instructional Design Supervisor

Email: jburling@wisc.edu

Yuyen Chang

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: yuyen.chang@wisc.edu

Julie Collins

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: jecollins4@wisc.edu

Carolyn Daughtry Krill

Position title: Senior Instructional & Media Designer

Email: carolyn.daughtrykrill@wisc.edu

Timmo Dugdale

Position title: Senior Teaching and Learning Specialist

Email: timmo.dugdale@wisc.edu

Amanda Ferrante

Position title: Instructional Design Supervisor

Email: amanda.ferrante@wisc.edu

Rich Freese

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: jrfreese@wisc.edu

Brett Fuerst

Position title: Teaching and Learning Media Specialist

Email: brett.fuerst@wisc.edu

Dan Getzen

Position title: Project Manager

Email: dan.getzen@wisc.edu

Jeffrey C. Guarneri

Position title: Research Mentor Training Coordinator

Email: guarneri@wisc.edu

Michelle Hennings

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: michelle.hennings@wisc.edu

Alyson Herreid

Position title: Senior Instructional Media Coordinator

Email: alyson.herreid@wisc.edu

Amy Holevas

Position title: Instructional Design Supervisor

Email: amy.holevas@wisc.edu

Julie Hunt Johnson

Position title: Program Manager

Email: julie.johnson@wisc.edu

Lisa Jong

Position title: Senior Teaching and Learning Developer

Email: lisa.jong@wisc.edu

Kenny Kemp

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: kjkemp@wisc.edu

Haley Kerkhoff

Position title: Instructional Design Supervisor

Email: haley.kerkhoff@wisc.edu

Abby Koberstein

Position title: Evaluation Specialist

Email: akoberstein@wisc.edu

Amanda Leary

Position title: Teaching and Learning Developer

Email: aleary4@wisc.edu

Lauren Ledin

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: lledin@wisc.edu

John Martin

Position title: Senior Teaching and Learning Developer

Email: johnmartin@wisc.edu

Meredith McGlone

Position title: Communications Manager

Email: meredith.mcglone@wisc.edu

David Olson

Position title: Teaching and Learning Media Specialist

Email: david.olson@wisc.edu

Daniel Pell

Position title: Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant

Email: dan.pell@wisc.edu

Bridget Powell

Position title: Integration Coordinator

Email: bridget.powell@wisc.edu

Angie Rieves

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: angela.rieves@wisc.edu

Bobbi Rohrs

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: bobbi.rohrs@wisc.edu

Naomi Salmon

Position title: Program Manager, Instructor Learning Communities

Email: nsalmon@wisc.edu

Karen Skibba

Position title: Distinguished Teaching and Learning Specialist

Email: karen.skibba@wisc.edu

Janet Staker Woerner

Position title: Program Manager

Email: janet.stakerwoerner@wisc.edu

Thomas J. Tobin

Position title: Senior Teaching and Learning Developer

Email: thomas.tobin@wisc.edu

Julie Waldren

Position title: Instructional Designer

Email: waldren@wisc.edu

Katie Will

Position title: Teaching and Learning Developer

Email: kkwill@wisc.edu

Student Staff

Graham Buhrman

Position title: Evaluation and Needs Analyst

Email: buhrman@wisc.edu

Starling Burch

Position title: Captioning and Transcription Editor

Email: sdburch2@wisc.edu

T.J. Espino McGurran

Position title: Evaluation and Needs Analyst

Email: mcgurranmein@wisc.edu

Max King

Position title: Online Course Development Assistant

Email: mhking3@wisc.edu

Courtney Parker West

Position title: Project Assistant, Graduate Instructor Program Development

Email: clparker2@wisc.edu

Aravind Sai Sarathy

Position title: Program Assistant

Email: assarathy@wisc.edu

Natasha Schiegg

Position title: Online Course Development Assistant

Email: schiegg2@wisc.edu

Swasti Singh

Position title: Online Course Development Assistant

Email: sssingh4@wisc.edu

Ritha Sunderapandyan

Position title: Online Course Development Assistant

Email: sunderapandy@wisc.edu