Class Observation

Photo of an instructor listening as a student talks to him during class while two other students listen and smile.
Photo of an instructor crouching down to better observe her engineering students as they experiment with a structural kit during class.
Photo of an instructor standing in front of a blackboard speaking to her class.

Get supportive feedback to advance your teaching goals

Partnering with a knowledgeable, trusted observer can be a great way to explore how learning is happening in your course. We’ll work collaboratively with you to understand your goals and plan an observation session to gather relevant information. Then we’ll identify evidence-based strategies you may want to try and connect you with any additional resources you may need.

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Activity Time commitment Location
Pre-visit meeting – Reflect on your class and students and share what you hope to gain from this experience; co-create a plan for the observation and debrief. 30-60 minutes Your office, CTLM office, or Zoom
Observation One class session Your classroom or digital space
Debrief – Discuss the observations, feedback, and next steps. 60-90 minutes Your office, CTLM office, or Zoom
Follow-up – Your observer emails you with any documents or resources requested and confirms plans (if any) for future communication or visits. TBD TBD

Interested in learning more?

Tell us a little about yourself and your course and we’ll follow up with you.

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