Rich Freese

Position title: Instructional Designer


DMA, Music Composition, University of Wisconsin–Madison; M.A., Music Composition, Truman State University; B.S., Music Theory/Composition & Art, Wisconsin Lutheran College
Photo of Richard Freese

Dr. Rich Freese has been educating students of all ages, interests, and backgrounds and teaching in a variety of settings since 2004: face-to-face and online college courses, workshops and lecture recitals, one-on-one lessons and consultations. He’s passionate about finding and creating freely available educational resources, using low-stakes assessments to give students freedom to explore, scaffolding high-stakes assessments, and balancing course time between core material and students’ personal and scholarly interests. He is active in leading the Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning (ADEIL). As an instructional designer with the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring, Rich enjoys learning more about instructors’ courses and brainstorming ideas to advance the craft of teaching. In addition to the field of teaching and learning, Rich’s academic focus involves creating and analyzing music and digital media; his music has been performed throughout the United States. Outside of education and music/media, pursuits and hobbies include art, reading, video games, and spending time with family.