Bridget Powell

Position title: Integration Coordinator


All but dissertation, Ed.D. in Online Education, Regent University; online master's in Distance Education, University of Maryland University College; M.A., National Security Studies, California State University, San Bernardino; B.A., English Literature, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Head shot of Bridget Powell

Bridget Powell joined the University of Wisconsin–Madison in December 2013 upon retiring as a lieutenant colonel after 26 years in the United States Air Force. Her passion for education, in particular blended and online learning, was shaped by the 12 years spent at the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, VA, where she helped launch the conversion of a completely synchronous 12-week program into a 40-week blended format. Developing and delivering this program over the course of 22 cohorts gave her a deep appreciation of forming community online, the importance of clarity in asynchronous communications, and the value of flexibility and compassion when dealing with students. She brings these values with her to her role with the Project Management and Evaluation group as a member of the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring. Bridget loves to travel and spend time with family and cater to every whim of her Boston Terrier, Winston Churchill. Her hobbies include crocheting, knitting, art, and watching Premier League soccer.